Turn provides confidential, professional, tailored counselling
and therapy services to business people and professionals
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Address depression
- Resolve alcohol and drug problems
- Improve personal relationships
- Improve professional relationships
- Achieve work-life balance
- Increase self-awareness
With a little help, you can change your life
Do you:
- Expect the worst?
- Worry excessively about money, health, family, or work?
- Find it difficult to relax, enjoy quiet time, or be by yourself?
- Avoid situations that make you anxious?
- Feel irritable?
- Have constant worries running through your head?
- Suffer from stomach problems, nausea, or diarrhoea?
- Find it difficult to sleep?
Please contact me
if you suffer ongoing distress and worry, or experience panic attacks, so we can talk about it.
Have you:
- Frequently thought about drugs or alcohol?
- Felt like you don't fit in without the use of drugs or alcohol?
- Used a drug without knowing what it was or what it would do to you?
- Made mistakes in your job because of drug or alcohol use?
- Been scared by the thought you were running out of drugs?
- Been arrested or hospitalised because of your drug or alcohol use?
- Hurt your relationships with other people through the use of drugs or alcohol?
Please contact me
if you can't stop taking drugs or control your drinking, so we can talk about it.
Do you experience:
- Persistant low, sad, irritable or depressed mood?
- Loss of interest and pleasure in your usual activities?
- Difficulty getting to sleep, disturbed sleep, reduced sleep, or early waking?
- A change in appetite?
- Decreased enery, tiredness, and fatigue?
- A physical slowing or agitation?
- Thoughts of worthlessness or guilt?
- Thoughts of hopelessness and death?
- Difficulty thinking clearly?
Please contact me
if you suffer from a low mood that affects how you feel and behave for days or weeks at a time, so we can talk about it.
Experiencing difficulties with your significant other can
seriously affect every part of your life, including work,
family, social life, home life, or even alone time.
Please contact me
if you want to improve the strength and resilience of your relationships, so we can talk about it.
Although everyone at some time experiences loss and grieving,
the ways in which it affects us are often unique to the
individual and can be extremely painful. The stress of grief
may produce many kinds of unexpected emotions and even
physical reactions, and you may come to feel that you will
never recover from the loss.
Please contact me
if you wonder how you are going to carry on, so we can talk about it.